Thursday 16 May 2013

Cautiously Optomistic...

For those of us who are publically known as pezheads amoung family, friends and workmates, we will often be led on by people claiming to have great hidden treasures saying things like 'I still have my pez from when I was a kid, you can have them if you want' coming from somebody in their 40's or 50's.  This naturally leads to extreme excitement for a great find as the possibilities are endless!!  Only to find out that what was suppose to be 40 or 50 years old somehow is only 4 or 5 years old and you are left wondering how their parents were able to build a time machine and yet only went into the future a couple decades to purchase pez for their kids and return.
There is another person that I work with who has made a similar statement and I believe it has been 6 or 7 years now that she keeps 'forgetting' to bring them in, or could not remember which box they were packed in their latest move but confirms everytime the subject is brought up that they are certainly somewhere and they are old.
Well yesterday I received a new lead from a friend of ours saying that her dad has a lot of old pez however does not really collect them and does not know what they are worth, if anything.  The other points of interest include that they 'allegedly' have no feet and there are characters that she does not recognize (which would leave me to believe there should be more scarce dispensers than the usual Mickey Mouse, Bugs Bunny and Santa Clause).
She will be at her fathers this weekend to pick them up or at least take a picture so stay tunned and see if we have a 'great find' or yet another disappointment.

More Halo variations to follow...

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