Wednesday 8 May 2013

My Collection

While I have new and old pez and pez items that dispense anything from bubbles to salt & pepper (actually not a whole lot of things inbetween) the focal point of my collection are the ones that land right in the middle, the new old, or the old new, intermediate or whathaveyou.  Basically from the mid to late 1980's to the mid 1990's and more specifically halo carded pez.

What are halo carded pez you may be asking yourself?  Well these beauties come from the aforementioned timeperiod and are still in their original packages or 'cards' referring to packages with a hard cardboard backing.  Halos have splash of white behind the head of the character (surrounding it like a halo) and come on pastel striped cards.  Halo cards were only available in Canada and Europe.

Over the coming posts I will go into further details as to what makes this segment of Pez collecting so much fun!

The 2 Roadrunners on the right are on Halo cards
Note the 2 Roadrunner variations stenciled eyes and painted eyes (far right)

1 comment:

  1. Why do you prefer a halo card over a regular euro stripe card? Are they more rare?
